
I guess I'm not really on hiatus...

Now that I've made such a big deal about taking a break on posting what I wear, and only posting something I really love when I do post, I have probably raised everyone's expectations too high. Just remember I'm still experimenting and working on my wardrobe, so all attempts on this blog are just that..."attempts."

That being said, I love the simplicity of this outfit. Basic solid colors that all blend together. Jewel tones to commemorate the season. Beads to add a touch of girliness. Tights to add a touch of sophistication. Wedge loafers and t-shirts to keep everything casual.

I love the purples that are trendy for this season, but I'm having a hard time finding just the right purple for me. My next post after this will be on finding your colors, because that is what I've been focusing on lately. So while I realize that this purple is a little too "cool toned" for me and a more red (Imogen corrected me - it's not yellow toned, but red toned purples that I need - thank you Imogen!) toned purple would be best, I think it is still close enough in the way it blends with my hair color.

T-shirts - Forever 21 - $3.50 each
Corduroy skirt - Tommy Hilfiger outlet - $7
Teal beads - Kohl's - $.80
Brown suede wedge loafers - thrifted - $6
Tights - Target - $5.99


  1. love it...have to try that color combo myself

  2. I like that you added purple tights, I like colored tights a lot!

  3. Love the combo of the purple & blue T's....really striking!

  4. I'm glad you're posting - I enjoy your outfits and what you have to say :)

    I also LOVE this teal/purple combo - it's so pretty and very FALL.

  5. HI, I just came across your blog on google reader and I'm in love! Both of you dress so great. I am not a SAHM but I do stay at home pretty much all day as I do school from home and just take care of the house. You girls are truly an inspiration to me to actually get up and put some real clothes on rather than just staying in my PJ's all day!

    I have a question for you Nic. I read in a previous post that you are 5 ft tall and wear child's sized shoes! I am exactly the same as you! I'm 5ft 1' and wear anywhere from a child's sized 2-3 and if I'm lucky I can wear a women's sized 5. Where do you find cute shoes!? This is my one major problem. Thanks!

    Loyal Reader Lindsay

  6. Nic, try a purple with more red (not yellow) as that's how you warm up a purple - more red less blue.

    Does this make sense?

  7. Imogen - thank you! Would you agree that my coloring is more warm than cool? I'm having a hard time really deciphering what colors look good, because everyone I talk to has a different opinion about what colors are good for me...


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