Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts


Around These Parts...

This is what I ended up getting for my hubby for Valentine's Day. He is always asking me for "man" versions of my bath and body products, so he loved the barely there man scents in these products. 

Last night we went to see some friends for dinner, and I brought this red velvet oreo truffle chocolate cake. There was plenty leftover that we've been picking on today in honor of this chocolatey red holiday.

This week we had two ultrasounds confirming that we're having a girl! Cecily Renee! I will have a Cassi, Capri, and now a Ceci! We can't wait!

And since we're having a girl and there will be yet another sister for Cassi, here is a song written, sung, played, and recorded by my sis, Jo, about sisters:


At the Park

Last week, the girls and I went through a short walk through the woods by the river while CJ was at his karate class. After class, we all went down to the park after picking up Subway for dinner. I got lots of pictures of our little outing as well as put together a quick movie (scroll to the bottom to see the movie). I don't usually get our park outings on camera, so it was fun to document a fun summer day like this.


A Great Curling Hair Tutorial

My Mom found this curling hair tutorial and I was immediately inspired! My sister and I both tried it out for church on Sunday and loved the results. You should try it out if you like to curl your hair and let me know if it worked for you!


Product Review: Misikko's Corioliss Curling Wand

My curling wand from Misikko arrived complete with extra goodies (like Paul Mitchell Volumizer spray, make-up, flowers, ribbons, etc.!) - it was like my Birthday all over again!

I couldn't wait to try it, so even though I had just straightened my hair with my new Hana flat iron, I immediately started using the curling wand...It took me quite a while to get the hang of how to use it, but I loved the results. It definitely creates more of a ringlet than what my flat iron or regular curling iron can do, but it also has the ability to create a ripply wave (something my regular curling iron doesn't really do either).
You really should check out Misikko for great products like ceramic curling irons, the best hair dryers, and great flat irons. I love my Hana Professional, but Corioliss (the same brand as my curling wand) makes a Corioliss Straightener, too.

And since I had some trouble at first using the curling wand, I thought I'd show you a quick video tutorial of how to use it since I think I've got it figured out now.

You can watch this video I did for tips on how I style my curled hair.

Have any of you tried the curling wands out there? Do you prefer them over the regular curling irons with clamps?


Video Post: Hair tutorial (answer to a reader question)

One of our readers asked if I would do a hair tutorial on how I style my hair (this is for you, Amy). I figured the easiest way to do that would be to show it in a video. So here goes . . .


Another song for you...

We did this song on Saturday, the night before I left Missi' came out too dark and blurry so we weren't going to post it. But my Mom requested to see it, so I decided to post it. You may not be able to see us, but at least you can hear us being all goofy and silly.

Yes, it's awesome having a sister that you can be totally yourself around and who knows you almost better than you know yourself!