I've been browsing old photos of this boy all week, and then yesterday, while watching The Brady Bunch with the girls, a GAP commercial came on about a teenage boy and his mom. The boy grows up and moves out and the mom loves him so much and is so proud. I lost it. Like completely. Poor little Cecily came over to comfort me. She was very worried about me. I tried to reassure her that I'm just a ridiculous mom crying over nothing and didn't need her comfort. She hugged me all the same and in all fairness, her hugs made everything better, so I guess I needed it more than I thought.
I don't know why it feels like I'm already forgetting what he was like and all those moments we shared just him and me. It was just him for 4 and a half years and that feels like a lifetime ago. Now I'm mostly a girl mom and my world revolves around unicorns, mermaids, rainbows, and all the girl things.
Rainbows and unicorns aside, this boy right here means the world to me. He knows me so well and I know him so well. Sometimes it feels like we can read each other's minds, because we think so much alike. But now he's a teenager and things will start to change. He will go to his Dad more than me. He will want to be with his friends more than me, and he will have thoughts and feelings that he will think I know nothing about. I know he's only 13 and all that doesn't come at once, but time flies so quickly and it feels like the present is just a breath of time.
CJ, I want you to grow up strong and independent. I want you to travel and see the world. I want you to fall and make mistakes, because I know you know how to pick yourself back up again. I want you to discover new ideas and new dreams. I want you to pursue impossible dreams. I want you to grow and be inspired. I want you to feel all the feels through your teen years. I want you to fall in love. I want you to heal after your heart is broken. I want you to find the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. I want you to stay true to your faith, your family, and your dreams. But just remember, son, that you started in my arms and I will need you to come home to give me a hug every so often. Because while you travel, discover, learn, and live . . . I will be here watching - feeling everything you feel, and missing our days when it was just you and me.
Happy Birthday CJ, and welcome to the teen years. :-)