
All dressed up and no where to go

It's my daughters 2nd birthday today! To celebrate I thought I should wear a party dress. Plus, I wanted to try to copy Nic's look below. I wish I had cute knee high boots to wear with this dress. This will have to do for now.

Here is the dress with a belt
Here is a close up of my super cute shoes (I love these!)

And here is the dress without a belt
Since I have kids coming over to help make cupcakes I think I'll stay in slippers around the house...but if we do go out tonight I think I'm all set to go!


  1. Happy Birthday to your little girl! What a coincidence, though, I just stumbled upon your blog and I also live in Seattle AND my son just turned two on Monday! His due date was the 22nd :)

  2. Wow, that dress is gorgeous on you! I'm so glad I found it!

  3. Very pretty dress i think it looks best with the belt...and the shoes are cute too

  4. happy birthday to your daughter!
    The dress looks great! With the belt is my favorite!

  5. That dress is gorgeous! I love it!

  6. Hi. I just nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award.


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