
Drink water!

I have been reading a lot lately about what is good to drink and eat for both your health and beauty. One of the biggest things that we all know and all hear is "Drink lots of water". But drinking water, frankly, is boring. And it can be a pain. Just thinking about all the many trips to the bathroom I'll make in a day makes me want to stop drinking water all together (well, not really, but anyway). So, I found the solution to drinking lots of water and enjoying it is...drinking "pretty" water. So I've started buying bottled Fiji water. The packaging is pretty and the taste really is amazing. It's not cheap, but I think it's worth it.

So far I don't have the amazing "Dewy" skin that I'm going for (from the picture in the magazine I found)...in fact, I'm the opposite with what seems like a million break outs. But I know if I keep drinking my water and keep eating healthy foods my skin will clear up again and I'll look great. Well, I'll hope I look great:)


  1. HAHA I know just what you mean about all those trips to the bathroom. It's bothersome. When I started committing to drinking lots of water I was really annoyed by how much I found myself getting up to go to the bathroom. And on days when I'm not really paying attention and only drink water when I'm thirsty, I feel like I'm getting a "vacation." HA!

    My solution was to bring a filtered water pitcher to work (so I actually have some good-tasting water available, because right out of the tap is gross here) and bought a bright pink refillable bottle. The bright pink makes me want to use it, and it's hard to ignore!

  2. Oh, I like the bright pink water bottle idea and the filtered water pitcher! Glad you can relate to the bathroom thing. lol!

  3. I like "pretty water" too. In fact, I used to buy the Fiji water because I like the way the bottles look.

    Now, we have a Brita pitcher and my husband and I have Nalgenes that we refill all day. Mine is bright green and I love it. It's cheap to refill and it's great for the environment with no containers to throw away! I am all about cute AND cheap! =)


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