I felt a little foolish after my last post. Only hours after posting my complaints, I ran into a dear friend who took some time with me to encourage and pray for me. My perspective changed and I was content to wait for the baby to come on her own sweet time.
Braxton Hicks were off and on all day, but got regular again in the late afternoon as they had been getting every day for over a week. I didn't think anything of it, as this has been par for the course for me, so we went to my husband's work party that started at 4PM as planned.
During the party the contractions got more intense as usual for that time of day, so around 7PM I told my husband we should probably head home so I could deal with the contractions in peace and get to bed early.
No sooner had we stepped outside to get to our car then I had my first real labor contraction and started shaking uncontrollably. I tried to call my doctor, but the next contraction was already upon me and I couldn't speak, so I handed the phone to my husband.
For the whole drive home my contractions were about 45-60 seconds long and two minutes or less apart. It was an intense 20 minute drive home. I am so glad my bag was already packed, because the contractions were coming at times only 90 seconds apart, and I could not walk or think to be able to tell anyone what to pack for me.
My husband's Mom came to get my children, but ended up staying with me to try to help me deal with my contractions. I am so grateful she was there. I was still so stunned that this was all upon me so fast!
My husband finally got his bag packed and we had another 30 minute drive to get to the hospital. Very difficult drive, but we made it. They got me a wheelchair and I put on quite a show for everyone there in the waiting area.
When we made it to the delivery room I worried that I was too late for an epidural. The doctor told me I looked as if I was ready to push, so she doubted there was time, but she checked me quick only to find I was only 2 cm and 80% effaced. I was shocked, but relieved that I was there in time for the epidural. She told me this would not be a long labor, however, and to not get my hopes up since they had to first get the antibiotics in me since I tested positive for Group B strep.
I labored for another hour or more at the hospital waiting for the IV drip to complete. Contractions stayed consistent at about 90 seconds to two minutes apart, but thankfully the contractions remained short at about only 45-60 seconds long.
I was checked again after that hour and was already to almost 8 cm, fully effaced, and my water broke. She said if I wanted the epidural I would have to get it quick.
About 30 minutes later the epidural was working and I was one happy camper--I was so excited that the baby was coming so fast, that I felt minimum pain, and that there were no complications!
I took a little 20 minute rest and my Mom showed up just in time for them to have me start pushing. We had arrived at the hospital at 8:30 and Capri was pushed out in only a few pushes, showing up at 11:39PM! I didn't even tear. Best experience EVER!
Capri Raylissa ~ Born on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 11:39 PM ~ 7 pounds, 15 ounces, 20 inches